How to access the arcade
I tried to access the arcade and now it requires a password. What changed?
I tried to access the arcade and now it requires a password. What changed?
When will mining rewards be distributed via DripDropz for Q4 2024? I thought it would be the past Epoc end on 12/30. Patiently waiting for my DGEM!
i have received my first drop of dgem quarterly. can i ask how to maximise the drop of dgem ? is it holding more DGOLD or DSLVR in wallet ? which one ?
When exactly is the Q3 snapshot for Digital Gold? Is it before next epoch or the following one on September 1?
Has anyone bought a Series 2 NFT? Curious what you got....
I got a Dirty Gary.
It a new arcade! I will give you the password to check it out but do not connect your wallet at the end of your game. We have not had a secuirity aduit done! Check it out though, play a couple games and look around. It is still under construction!